Kansas Attorney Malpractice Insurance: What You Need To Know In 2023

Kansas Attorney Malpractice Insurance: What You Need To Know In 2023

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Kansas Attorney Malpractice Insurance: What You Need to Know in 2023

What Is Malpractice Insurance?

Malpractice insurance is a form of professional liability insurance that is designed to protect attorneys from certain legal costs and damages that may arise from wrongful advice or related negligent acts or omissions. It covers most legal mistakes that an attorney may make, and can provide financial protection for both the attorney and the client. In Kansas and many other states, it is required for an attorney to maintain a certain amount of malpractice insurance in order to practice law.

What Does Malpractice Insurance Cover?

Malpractice insurance covers a variety of legal mistakes, including negligence, errors in judgment, breach of duty, and breach of confidentiality. It can also cover legal costs associated with defending a malpractice lawsuit, as well as some of the damages awarded to the plaintiff if the attorney is found liable. Some policies may also cover damages resulting from claims of libel, slander, and other types of injury.

What Are the Requirements for Malpractice Insurance?

In most states, attorneys are required to carry malpractice insurance in order to practice law. In Kansas, the requirements are outlined in the Kansas Supreme Court Rule 8.04. This rule requires attorneys to have a minimum amount of coverage, as well as a certain period of time during which the coverage must remain in effect. The rule also requires attorneys to disclose their policy information to clients, so that the client can make an informed decision about the attorney's qualifications.

How Can I Find a Kansas Attorney Malpractice Insurance Provider?

There are a number of providers of professional liability insurance for attorneys, including those that specialize in malpractice insurance. You can find a provider in your area by searching online or by asking other attorneys in your area for recommendations. It is important to compare different providers and their coverage levels, in order to find the best policy for your needs.


Malpractice insurance is an important part of protecting both the attorney and the client. In Kansas, attorneys are required to carry a certain amount of malpractice insurance in order to practice law. When selecting an insurance provider, it is important to compare different providers and their coverage levels, in order to ensure that you get the best policy for your needs.


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